February 2nd, 2023
Hey everyone! I just wanted to make a quick post on here. I've finally gotten around to redesigning my website, with a new look and a new domain. We've moved to "alexlpricemusic.com" now, and I've fitted my website to be a lot more focused around my career as a film and media composer.
It's been an incredibly busy 2-3 years or so since I've been on here, and I'm so excited to get back to the swing of things with my blog and my website. As some people know, I've been going to the Jacobs School of Music in Bloomington, Indiana to pursue my Master's degree in Music Scoring for Visual Media. It's been a dream so far, and I can't wait to share more with people about it.
For now please feel free to check out my website, and favorite my blog as I will be planning to post more often on here. Not sure about a regular schedule, but just as I think makes sense. Though I do want to start my Weekly Music Showcase back up!
Alex Price
